On 13 August 2010 17:21, Marnen Laibow-Koser <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
>> If a client asks to produce the functionality to export data into the
>> office-application format of their choice, then it's not irresponsible
>> to do exactly that.
> Yes it is.  If a client asks me that, then it is my responsibility as an
> ethical, responsible developer to tell them that IMHO they are making a
> suboptimal choice, and to explore other alternatives with them.

For instance: They want a application (web-technology-based or
otherwise) to manage their foos and bars - it's going to be internal
only. They use MS Office desktop applications. They want their
application to export mailshots as Word documents so they can edit
them before printing.

There is no alternative to explore.

Certainly, if you think they are making bad choices, then it's right
to tell them. But the final decision is theirs (and I'd recommend
their decision should be to let me decide ;-)

> The client gets to dictate business needs, not technical implementation.

But they're paying, so if they have a technical implementation
requirement, which they stick to despite my advice to go with another
choice, then I would judge it to be unethical to not do what they
want. If my objection is big enough, then I can quit the job. [1]

[1] I'm currently working on some PHP development, which is running on
IIS and MSSQL, because some middle-manager bought an expensive server,
which has to be seen to "work". It's frustrating, but that's the
situation. I work with it, or I don't. They *won't* install *nix and
MySQL, etc.
I really don't like it, but my mortgage has to be paid.

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