Peter De Berdt wrote:
> Since our main application is CRM and ERP, I'd like to chime in here.
> That said, we do have a separate database for every customer, for
> several reasons, I'll mention a few.
> Although we could scope everything on the customer, but given the
> total amount of data involved across all accounts, it would have a
> dramatic impact on performance over time, even with proper indexes.

What makes you think so?  A good DB should be able to handle this with 
minimal performance impact.

> Also, since we are storing the data of direct competitors (our
> customers are in the same market segment in our already small country)
> we found that during presales the question about keeping data separate
> always arose. 

And you just need to tell your customers that you do so.  How you do it 
is none of their business.

> Again, a good test suite could and should avoid one
> customer seeing another one's data, just like Blinksale does it, but
> prospects might not see it that way so easily.

Are you saying you don't have a good test suite, then?

> There were a few more factors that made us decide to keep data
> separate, it's up to you to decide the best choice depending on your
> application.
> It's a trivial task to make sure migrations run across all databases
> on deploy btw, you just have to tinker with the default Capistrano
> script a bit and you're done.

Good to know.

> Best regards
> Peter De Berdt

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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