Abder-Rahman Ali wrote:
> Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
>> radhames brito wrote:
>>> @Marnen Laibow-Koser
>>> getHeight() and getWidth() are prototype methods.
>> ...which were not involved in the post you responded to as far as I can 
>> see.
>>> Read before you accuse me
>> I did.
>> Best,
>> -- 
>> Marnen Laibow-Koser
>> http://www.marnen.org
>> mar...@marnen.org
>> Sent from my iPhone
> getWidth() is involved.
> If you check my question, you will see the following:
> function getWidth() {
>   var image = document.getElementById("dicom_image");
>   imageWidth = image.width;
>   return imageWidth;
>   alert("Image Width is " + image.width);
> }
> Which I then tried to call in "show.html.erb" using:
> <%= update_page_tag do |page|
> page << "getWidth();"
> end
> %>

OK, then I failed to read properly (helped along by Radhames' lack of 
proper quoting) and I'm sorry about that.  Apparently I completely 
misunderstood what Radhames was getting at.  I'll try to read more 
carefully in future.  Radhames, please try to quote more relevant 

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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