Jim Burgess wrote in post #968051:
> Cheers for the explanation, Fred.
> Following your advice I passed the appropriate HTTP method to the form
> in the partial and now everything works as it should.
> In case it helps anyone else, I now have:
> new.html.erb:
> <%= render :partial => "form", :locals => {:url => {:action =>
> "create"}, :method => :post} %>
> edit.html.erb:
> <%= render :partial => "form", :locals => {:url => {:action => "update",
> :id => @flight}, :method => :put} %>
> _form.html.erb:
> <% form_for :flight, :url => url, :html=>{:method=> method} do |f| %>

But you missed Fred's point entirely: you don't need to do that!  Rails 
will test @flight.new_record? and pick the method accordingly.  So all 
you need in both new.html.erb and edit.html.erb is
render :partial => 'form'
and in _form.html.erb, just
form_for @flight

You're reinventing what Rails already does for you.

> Thanks again.

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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