> All the link does is build a URL for you with appropriate params.  In
> the controller action you then have to do things with the params.
> Have a look in log/development.log and you will see what params are
> being passed.  Also I suggest having a look at the Rails Guide on
> debugging.  You can then use ruby-debug to break into your code before
> the find call you have shown and inspect params to see what is there
> and work out why the find is not working.  You can also experiment
> then calling find from the console to see what works.

I didn't think of checking the log, very useful tip!
I need to use the incident_id that's being passed to find the timesheet.

I tried:
@timesheet = Incident.find(params[:id]).timesheet

"Couldn't find Incident without an ID".

I checked by hardcoding it:
@timesheet = Incident.find(1).timesheet

That did work, so it must be params[:id] that's not working. The log 
says that incident_id is being passed as a param though.

Started GET "/incidents/1/timesheet" for at 2010-12-14 
12:33:48 -0500
  Processing by TimesheetsController#show as HTML
  Parameters: {"incident_id"=>"1"}

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