t.pickett66 wrote in post #976562:
> On Jan 21, 12:05am, CuriousNewbie <bhellm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> But that errors, any ideas? I'm not sure if I'm doing the REGEX
>> correctly, could use some regex help.
> First, I agree with Marnen that this should be done in the model but I
> disagree that the regexp is formed correctly on a very minor point;
> you don't need to add the '/' inside the quotes when building a new
> regexp object i.e. Regexp.new('some regexp') rather than Regexp.new('/
> some regexp/').

Quite right.  I was reading too fast and missed that.

> So what I would do in the model is:
> class User < AR::B
>   INVALID_EMAILS = %w(gmail.com hotmail.com)
>   def self.valid_email?(email)
>      reg = Regexp.new(INVALID_EMAILS*'|') # *'string' is an alias
> for .join('string') use whichever you preffer
>      matches = reg.match(email)
>      return matches == 0
>   end
> end

Better yet, do this as a custom validator method.

> Then in the controller you can do
> def some_action
>   if User.valid_email?(params[:email])
>     #do stuff
>   else
>     #do other stuff
>   end
> end
> This has the added benefits that you can use this same validation
> anywhere in your code and easily add additional conditions to your
> validation in a single place.

Right.  And if you do this as a custom validator, then it will run as 
part of Rails' validation routines without even needing that much 
controller code.

> -T

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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