To test if the method is actually getting called place raise 'Inside uploadFile' at the top of the method.


        Tsega <>
February 1, 2011 3:50 PM

One thing I forgot here is that you need to add the create action in your controller that would be used to house the code for uploading the file:

def create
  post = Import.proc_csv( params[:upload])
  flash[:notice] = "File imported successfully"
  redirect_to :action => :index
      flash[:error] = "Error importing file"
      redirect_to :action => 'index'
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        Tsega <>
February 1, 2011 3:36 PM

OK, I must first inform you, I'm no rails guru (not yet anyways) but here is what I think should be your directory structure:

uploads_controller.rb # This will contain the UploadController class
index.html.erb # This will be the view to list the uploaded files (info) new.html.erb # This will be the form used to upload files
           upload.rb  # This is your model to represent an upload

Now that we have that in place, now the controller index method would automatically render the index.html.erb so there is no need for you to render the template directly. If you would like to see the list of uploaded document then may be you might need to the following your index controller method;

    def index
      @uploads = Upload.all # this gets all upload information and
    makes it available for the view

and then you render then in your view, i.e. the index.html.erb file do the following to list them all

    <%= @uploads.each do |upload| %>
    <li><%= upload.title %></li> <!-- I'm just using title here but
    you should change it to something that you have in your model -->
    <% end %>

So gives you list of upload info on the index.html.erb page. Now the next thing would be to actually create upload info; that where the new action (a controller method), and new.html.erb come in. A word of caution here; I have never done a form that uploads files so I can not give you much detail here, but there is a good gem called *paperclip* so you might want to check that out for details but here is what I would given the information you provided above.

In your controller you need to add the following action:

    def new
      @upload = # This is a new upload model that you can
    use to create your upload form

then in you new.html.erb you add the following:

    <% form_for(@upload) do |f| %>
    <p><label for="upload_file">Select File</label> :
    <%= file_field 'upload', 'datafile' %></p>
    <%= submit_tag "Upload" %>
    <% end %>

I kinda feel this is a bit incomplete but I'm sure someone can build on this or just find another way to help you with your problem. I hope this helped in making things clearer. If you are in need of a good place to start with RoR go here, I can say it is the best and most complete book I've ever read on programming. It's that good!


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