> I notice that the hash displayed in the error have a member amenities
> whereas in the line which generates the error it is amen.  Is this
> part of the problem?

This is were I think Rails is falling down. Originally I had that field 
named as "amenities," but when the same error was occurring I thought 
maybe that was a key word, or something, and changed it to "amen." But 
obviously the problem persists.

> What happens if in a console you type
> c = Hotelcontracts.first  (or whetever the model is called)
> c.amen

This produces the same output.

> Otherwise paste the code from db/schema.rb for this table and the code
> for the model.rb (leave out any immaterial methods in there).  Also
> paste the method from the controller (where presumably @hotelcontracts
> is setup).
> Colin

class Hotelcontract < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :account

@hotelcontracts = Hotelcontract.find( :all, :conditions => ['account_id 
= ?', @account.id])

amen is simply defined as a character varying with nothing really 
different then any of the other fields in the table.

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