On 7 March 2011 19:53, korssane korssane <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Frederick Cheung wrote in post #986018:
>> On 7 Mar 2011, at 03:57, korssane korssane <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
>>> message : i even tried to force but no way
>>> app/controllers/application.rb:5: undefined method `init_gettex' for
>>> ApplicationController:Class
>> That mostly sounds like someone has typoed init_gettext
>> Fred
> hi Fred,
>  what i am supposed to do ?

I think the suggestion is that line 5 of application.rb that has
on it, should be
In an earlier post you showed this line commented out (with #) but
presumably the error does not appear if it is commented out, likely a
different error appears.

I believe you say that the app is working on a different server, check
the line there to see what it is.  I trust you are picking the source
up from a source control system (git for example) in which case you
should be able to see whether you have accidentally modified that
line.  If the source is not in a version control system then get that
set up before you do anything and check into the VCS the version that
is running on the server.  Then check it out onto your system.  Do not
start editing it until you have got a VCS setup.  That is my advice


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