I'll chime in on this thread a little --

As someone learning Rails, the most frustrating thing is not that these 
conventions exist - it's that it's very hard to figure out what those 
conventions _are_ through anything but experimentation and banging one's 
head against it.

This is where I think the documentation could help more.  The guides, 
railscasts, and whatnot are good for figuring out how one piece works, or 
how to do one particular thing - but it's hard to get a notion of the big 
picture, exactly *how* all the pieces hook together, and what customization 
points are available to change things.

Something like "The default ActionController::TestCase class assumes that 
it's testing a class with the same name as it, but with the word "Test" 
lopped off the end. To change this, do x."  But all in one place, not 
littered through API docs.

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