On 26 May 2011 23:12, Caroline M. <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> ...
> Colin,
> i tried to implement what you said i have all the fields now in one
> table. im still having a few hiccups with the views and some actions.
> in products index i want the products created by user_id 1 only to
> display. user_id 1 is my admin user.

In the controller fetch the records where that is the id.
@products = Product.where( :user_id => 1)
or if you actually have the admin user available as an object then
@products = admin_user.products
which is much nicer.

> on the user_products controller in  the index view i want the products
> of the logged in user only to display,

In this case
@products = current_user.products

> maybe if user_id 1 is logged in
> they could see all products created by other users.

If User has a method admin? that tells you whether he is the admin
user (much better than relying on id)

@products = current_user.admin? ?  Product.all : current_user.products

> also when i create a product in the user_product new view after i press
> create it reverts the product back to the products index instead of
> keeping it in an user_products index view, which is what i want as i
> have different fields on display for the two different types. so if i
> click show etc it displays products show view page but what i want for
> that product is the user_product show view page.

Where it goes after the create action is up to the code you have
written.  After the save call you probably have a redirect_to
statement which tells the browser which page to fetch next.  In each
controller specify where you want it to go.

I think in an earlier post I suggested working through
railstutorial.org.  This would really be a good idea, at some point
you will look back on these questions and be embarrassed that you had
to ask them.  :)


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