On Jun 6, 2011, at 10:45 AM, Niklas Nson wrote:

This is currentlymaking my head spin, and it looks like i cant get a
clear answer: so im turning to you.
In my sandbox application i have users and these have profiles: in
profiles i store information like a "about me" and  country, state and
city. And some other information (all who the user select from a
select box).

In my current design i have:

user => has_one :profile

and then:

profile => has_one :country
          => has_one :state
          => has_one :city
          => has_one etc etc etc

Is this the bes way to design an application or should i store data as
a string instead (like Country => String  Sweden) etc ?

How would you do this ?

It depends. If you want to have convenience methods in your code, where there is a picking list of countries, for example, to cut down on mis-spellings, then using has_one is a great approach. But it does mean another association, and that has a price to pay when you display the parent, because you have to look up and cache all those values.

Another approach I have taken is to offload the complexity into the edit view, since it's not accessed nearly as often as the show. I use a helper to create a "combo box" control for these sorts of fields, which is loaded with an alphabetized and "uniqued" list of previously- entered values, and ends in Other. Switching to Other causes a JavaScript function to fire which replaces the picker with a text field of the same name and ID. Blurring away from that field without entering anything replaces the text field with the picker again.

The value is stored as a string, which then makes it available without a separate or joined lookup into another table. So the user can enter anything she likes, but gets to pick from a convenient list first to avoid more typing.


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