Ok, I've followed this cast 
but I get an error when I try to add the link to "add fields" (remove
works as expected) this is the error

    NoMethodError in Projects#new

    Showing /home/angelo/nestattr/app/views/projects/_form.html.erb
where line #24 raised:

    undefined method `klass' for nil:NilClass

    Extracted source (around line #24):

    21:                 <%= render "task", :f => t %>
    22:         <% end %>
    23: <p>
    24:          <%= link_to_add_fields "Add task", f, :task %>
    25: </p>
    26:   <div class="actions">
    27:     <%= f.submit %>

Currently I'm using rails 3.0.9, so maybe something has changed since
then, please, tell me what's wrong

On 4 nov, 15:48, Angelo Cordova <acord...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello people
> In my rails 3.0.9  app I'm trying to add nested attributes
> dynamically, but I don't want to use "nested form gem"
> So I found this example
> https://github.com/alloy/complex-form-examples/blob/a234fde4419836f27...
>  but this code doesn't work
> module ProjectsHelper
>   def remove_link_unless_new_record(fields)
>     unless fields.object.new_record?
>       out = ''
>       out << fields.hidden_field(:_delete)
>       out << link_to_function("remove", "$
> (this).up('.#{fields.object.class.name.underscore}').hide(); $
> (this).previous().value = '1'")
>       out
>     end
>   end
> end
> I think that lines which starts with "out <<" make some conflicts,
> because I've checked the html (firebug) and the simbols "<" and ">"
> doesn't appear
> &lt;a href="#" onclick="$(this).up('.task').hide(); $
> (this).previous().value = '1'; return false;"&gt;remove&lt;/a&gt;
> Can you help me please?? Thanks

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