> Hi, to tackle such a question, I would use a combination of:
> * irb (or pry)
> * ruby documentation (e.g.  http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/Array.html)
> * use the .class and .inspect method intensively to study what type and
> content
>   the result of each intermediate step is
> So, in the session below, you see how I would build-up the result of your
> excersize:
> peterv@ASUS:~$ ruby -v
> ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [i686-linux]
> peterv@ASUS:~$ irb
> 001:0> s = "foobar"
> => "foobar"
> 002:0> s.class
> => String
> 003:0> s.inspect
> => "\"foobar\""
> 004:0> # now look up the documentation for String#split (
> http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/String.html)
> 005:0* ^C
> 005:0> s_split = s.split('')
> => ["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r"]
> 006:0> # now look up the documentation for Array#shuffle
> 007:0* ^C
> 007:0> s_split_shuffle = s_split.shuffle
> => ["o", "o", "f", "r", "a", "b"]
> 008:0> s_split_shuffle.class
> => Array
> 009:0> # now look up the documentation for Array#join
> 010:0* ^C
> 010:0> result = s_split_shuffle.join
> => "oofrab"
> 011:0> result.c

Thanks a lot mate. I was doing maximum right, but the way I was
usaging the split and shuffle was wrong.

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