Pieter Hugo wrote in post #1036832:
> Dont know about IIS but running rails on Windows is dog slow. I develop
> on a Windows box and deploy on Linux and the speed difference is marked.
> Have heard the same from others.
> Pieter Hugo

I got a blank Rails project up and running and I noticed it takes at 
least 30-60 secs to load up the hello page on an idle server, sometimes 
much longer and this delay is highly variable. This is just crazy. From 
my research via Google it does not appear to be just an IIS problem 
either, although its apparently much worse on IIS. I have also 
discovered that there are complaints about ruby being slower by orders 
of magnitude compared to other scripting languages, rails performance 
being generally poor and an apparent self-defeating reluctance by the 
developpers to support rails properly on the worlds most popular 
commercial platform. This is a great shame, since the potential for 
development appears to be huge if the hype is to be believed but the 
above problems appear to be an obstacle to takeup.

I still need to understand terms such as rack, passenger, mongrel, 
webrick etc and where they fit in but I'm already thinking of abandoning 
rails. However, before I do that, I am going to test it for comparison 
on Apache for Windows.

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