I just found that this is apparently a variant of

On 16 August 2011 20:49, Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.l...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Indeed. It seems that, from 5.2.0 on, when there is a DRL file containing a
> function with a signature that contains a parameter that is an array of some
> simple type foo (int, double,...) and a scalar parameter of the same type
> and another function with a similar signature, an inappropriate syntax error
> is flagged:
> [ <functionname> : unable to resolve type while building function ]
> E.g.
> function nextPoint( int[] a, int n ){ }
> function prevpoint( int[] a, int n ){ }
> @ru: Splitting the DRL might be a workaround, but this might not be easy as
> this is generated code.
> -W
> On 16 August 2011 17:10, ru <soro...@oogis.ru> wrote:
>> Situation definitely treaky - I am working as author on DroolsTab plugin
>> to
>> Protege (http://protegewiki.stanford.edu/wiki/DroolsTab). In this project
>> drl file is generated programmatically and sent through pipe to
>> PackageBuilder. I did some experiments as you suggested. Results:
>> 1. Only one function in package does not produce error messages
>> 2. Two similar functions produce only one error message "In package
>> TestExecutor error: [ prevPoint : unable to resolve type while building
>> function
>>  ]
>>  function name: prevPoint" and allways on last function in spite of their
>> order.
>> Here is corresponding drl file:
>> package TestExecutor
>> import ru.oogis.pins.*
>> import ru.oogis.dro.*
>> import ru.igis.omtab.*
>> import java.util.*
>> import ru.oogis.util.DroClock
>> import com.bbn.openmap.proj.coords.LatLonPoint
>> import edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.Cls
>> import edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.Slot
>> import edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.Project
>> import edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.Instance
>> import edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.KnowledgeBase
>> import edu.stanford.smi.protege.server.RemoteProjectManager
>> import java.io.*
>> import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMGraphicList
>> import groovy.lang.Binding
>> import groovy.lang.GroovyShell
>> import java.awt.Component
>> import com.bbn.openmap.layer.location.LocationLayer
>> import com.bbn.openmap.layer.location.LocationHandler
>> import clojuretab.ClojureTab
>> import com.bbn.openmap.MapBean
>> import com.bbn.openmap.proj.GreatCircle
>> import com.bbn.openmap.layer.e00.E00Layer
>> import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMPoly
>> import com.bbn.openmap.proj.ProjMath
>> function ArrayList nextPoint( int N, int t1, int sec, double[] a, double v
>> )
>> { int Nxt = N+1;
>> int Nxt2 = Nxt * 2;
>> if(Nxt2 >= a.length-1)
>>    return null;
>> int N2 = N * 2;
>> double p1 = a[N2];
>> double l1 = a[N2+1];
>> double p2 = a[Nxt2];
>> double l2 = a[Nxt2+1];
>> double D = GreatCircle.sphericalDistance(p1, l1, p2, l2);
>> int dt = sec - t1;
>> double ds = dt * v;
>> if(ds > D){
>>    int t2 = (int) (t1 + D / v);
>>    return nextPoint(Nxt, t2, sec, a, v);
>> } else {
>>     double az = GreatCircle.sphericalAzimuth(p1, l1, p2, l2);
>>    double[] sb = GreatCircle.sphericalBetween(p1, l1, ds, az, 1);
>>     ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
>>    al.add(N);
>>    al.add(t1);
>>    al.add(new double[]{sb[2], sb[3]});
>>    al.add(az);
>>    return al;
>> } }
>> function ArrayList prevPoint( int N, int t1, int sec, double[] a, double v
>> )
>> { int Npv = N-1;
>> int Npv2 = Npv * 2;
>> if(Npv2 < 0)
>>     return null;
>> int N2 = N * 2;
>> double p1 = a[N2];
>> double l1 = a[N2+1];
>> double p2 = a[Npv2];
>> double l2 = a[Npv2+1];
>> double D = GreatCircle.sphericalDistance(p1, l1, p2, l2);
>> int dt = sec - t1;
>> double ds = dt * v;
>> if(ds > D){
>>    int t2 = (int) (t1 + D / v);
>>     return prevPoint(Npv, t2, sec, a, v);
>> } else {
>>    double az = GreatCircle.sphericalAzimuth(p1, l1, p2, l2);
>>    double[] sb = GreatCircle.sphericalBetween(p1, l1, ds, az, 1);
>>     ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
>>    al.add(N);
>>    al.add(t1);
>>    al.add(new double[]{sb[2], sb[3]});
>>    al.add(az);
>>    return al;
>> } }
>> In 5.1.1 all have been compiling well and working great :) :(
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/Functions-with-array-parameters-double-cease-to-compile-in-5-2-0-tp3251260p3258930.html
>> Sent from the Drools: User forum mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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