Hi Everyone.

We're looking at this solution as part of a web app we're building, I 
wanted to ask the community what their experience is with benchmarks, how 
many reads/writes can this system manage at what point will it need to be 
scaled out. Although this seems to have solved all the issues we're going 
to come up against, I'm worried that outgrowing it will be a difficult 
process if we're moving terabytes of data in a few years time because we 
need to increase the speed...

This brings me to my next question, I know Nikolaus has mentioned on a few 
occasions that this doesn't scale above one mount.s3ql for writes, although 
you can add a few extra read mounts through sshfs, as mentioned here, would 
this improve read performance or would all reads go still go through the 
one mount (ie creating a bottleneck and not improving performance...)

Thinking about clustering and performance it seems as though the system is 
built off the back of a sqlite db, would this be possible to separate from 
the system thereby making it possible to have multiple upload/download 
points all write to same db??

I'm just thinking aloud on this but I'd appreciate hearing anyone else's 
feedback on using this system before we commit to it.

Kind regards


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