On Aug 26, 6:21 am, "Nicolas M. Thiery" <nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr>
>         Dear  and Javier, dear John,


> So in the long run, we definitely need both the direct sum and the
> direct product functorial constructions, with appropriate
> "inheritance" to share whatever is valid for both direct products and
> direct sums. For the moment, I'll just leave a note about this in the
> code (for the moment, this feature is essentially used nowhere).
> A little question: if V and W are two vector spaces which turn out to
> be also in stronger categories, some with direct sums, and some
> without, what should the following do:
>         sage: direct_sum(V, W)

Could there be an optional argument:

  sage: direct_sum(V, W, cat)

If cat is not present, find the "strongest" category which contains
both V and W, and compute the direct sum there, raising an error if it
doesn't exist.  (Or just raise an error?  Or raise an error, saying
what this strongest category is, and suggesting computing the direct
sum there?  Maybe I like this last approach the best.)  If cat is
present, check that cat contains both V and W, and then compute the
direct sum there.

> One 100% safe option is to raise an error.
> Another would be to return the direct sum (as vector spaces) of V and
> W, which is also a direct product (that would be another story if the
> sum was infinite), and to endow it with whatever operations from the
> other categories applying either to direct sums or to direct products.

This approach doesn't make sense to me: V and W can also be viewed as
sets, but their coproduct as sets is not the same as their coproduct
as vector spaces.  Why choose one over the other?  And what if there
is a third category (like commutative k-algebras) in which the
coproduct is again different (like the tensor product)?


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