On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 5:59 AM, Nicolas M. Thiery
<nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr> wrote:
>        Dear David, dear Javier, dear category fans,
> Yippee! the technical patches required by the category code are making
> their way into Sage, maybe even in 4.1.2.

Since I just finished build testing 4.1.2 on a million machines and it
worked essentially perfectly everywhere, I'm not keen to put this in
4.1.2... however see below.

>  Then not much remains to be
> done, so I am now dreaming of getting the full thing in 4.1.3 (or
> whatever the next Sage version will be)!

The next Sage version will be 4.2.  Send me a list of technical
patches with positive review related to categories, and they can be
the *first* to go in.  I also see 4.2 as being a relatively quick
release (compared to the extremely long 4.1.2).

> For this, I need you! I have split the remaining categories to be
> reviewed between both of you: essentially the trivial new ones to
> Javier, and the larger preexisting ones to David.  But anyone else,
> please feel free to hop in!
>        http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/wiki/CategoriesCategoriesReview
> It would be great if we could at least get rid of all the trivial ones
> very shortly.

Yes, go go go.

> Note: I have just updated the category patches to include some of your
> previous comments. In particular, I finally did the renaming
> direct_sum -> cartesian_product as we had discussed. All test pass
> with 4.1.1. I am now in the process of rebasing for 4.1.2.
> You can `sage -combinat update`, or just browse the code directly from:
> http://combinat.sagemath.org/hgwebdir.cgi/code/file/tip/sage/categories,
> Cheers,
>                                Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>
> http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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