Dear Dan,

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 08:53:27AM -0800, bump wrote:
> Here is the patch:
> You use it like this:
> W = WeylGroup("E6")
> W.bruhat_ordered(x,y)
> where x and y are Weyl group elements. It returns true if x<=y.

Ah ah, I had not realized one could to Bruhat order this way. Thanks,
I learned something today. It is essentially linear in the length of x
* rank(group), right? That's pretty cool actually!


 - Calling it bruhat_le ?
 - Putting it in sage/categories/
   Maybe as a method on elements?
 - Using y.first_descent() / x.has_descent(i) and
   possibly x.apply_simple_reflection(i)

   See e.g. bruhat_lower_covers when
   root_systems-bruhat_order-nt.patch is applied.

> Note that it is recursive and therefore slow.  So the bruhat order
> needs to be cached.

This kind of caching is one of the purposes of the bruhat_poset()

sage: W = WeylGroup(["C",3])
sage: P = W.bruhat_poset()
sage: s = W.simple_reflections()
sage: P(s[2]) < P(s[1]*s[2]*s[1])

However, this currently precomputes the full poset, which is not
acceptable for large/infinite groups. We really need lazy posets!

See also my e-mail from Oct. 21.

In any cases, with the algorithm you implemented it's simpler to just
set a cache directly on the method. One can do this by just adding
@cached_method on top of it if one does not mind if the caching occurs
for all groups. Otherwise, see below.

> An untested implementation of this caching is in the
> second patch:
> The second patch goes on top of the first and (assuming it works)
> W = WeylGroup("E6",cache_results=True)
> should create a Weyl group with faster Bruhat order.
> The first patch works. I don't know if it works for affine Weyl
> groups. The second patch could still be buggy.

Ah ah, an excellent occasion to exercise an old idea of mine to solve
generically this kind of issue. Please give a try to the attached
patch add_cache-nt.patch (it requires the category patches; I'll put
it into the Sage-Combinat queue when it will be back online), and have
a look at the documentation of
Sets.ParentMethods.cache_element_methods in categories/ In
principle, you should then be able to do:

        W = WeylGroup("E6")

It currently only handles methods of elements though, so you would
need to adapt your patch to make bruhat_le a method of the
elements. It also does some black magic under the scene (changing the
class of the elements), so if you call cache_element_methods after
having created elements, you could get compatibility issues between
old and new elements. That's precisely what I want to exercise to see
if it's a bother in practice or not.

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <>


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