Dear Dan, Jason, Minh, Sage devs,

Please find below a discussion on the appropriate location for tutorials.

On Fri, Mar 05, 2010 at 07:12:29AM -0800, bump wrote:
> > One question is where should we put those tutorials. During sage days 20, we
> > had lost of newcommers to Sage so we started to write several tutorials. We
> Are those tutorials available somewhere now?

With the Sage-Combinat patches applied, see:


Note that it is very much work in progress.

> > discussed a little about where those tutorial should ends into
> > sage. One of the main point was that putting them outside sage
> > sources make then unaccessible from the command line and ?
> Of course the documentation in the source files is essential. But
> although there is adequate documentation in the source files for
> someone who knows it is there and wants to dig, you don't get any
> sense of how to use the program from the reference manual.
> I think that for Lie group computations, Sage now has adequate tools
> for all the typical problems. (If there are gaps, let us fill them.)
> But people don't seem to know this.  So I wanted to write a
> tutorial. A tutorial has a different function from the documentation
> in the source files and should be complementary.

Yes, yes, yes! We are all for it. Your work on the Lie tutorial is a
great addition to Sage's documentation. And +1 also for a good and
well advertised index of those tutorials like Minh is preparing.

Florent's point (and mine) though is that we would rather have those
tutorials live *within* the Sage sources, rather than in separate
directories / documents. The rationale is that this makes them
directly accessible through the online/introspection help, which is a
highly desirable feature. Try, e.g.:

        sage: sage.categories?
        sage: sage.categories.primer?

        sage: sage.combinat?
        sage: sage.combinat.root_system?

In particular, the above mentioned tutorials should probably be
accessible from:

        sage: sage.combinat.tutorial?
        sage: sage.combinat.tutorial_iterators?

This will be particularly powerful once the notebook inline help will
include a link to the corresponding live documentation (see; I need
to create a ticket for this).

Another nice feature is that this keeps physically close all the
material on a given theme. Hence, someone browsing trough the combinat
sources will stumble on the combinatorics tutorial. Also, running:

        sage -t sage/combinat

does check the combinatorics tutorial.

To summarize, and as was previously vaguely discussed on,
we would love to aim progressively at:

        sage: sage?                     # quickref and short index for Sage
        sage: sage.tutorial?            # A short Sage tutorial + Minh's index 
of thematic tutorials

        sage: sage.groups               # quickref and short index about group 
        sage: sage.groups.primer?
        sage: sage.groups.tutorial?     # The main group theory tutorial + 
links to other group theory tutorials

        sage: sage.combinat.crystals?   # quickref and short index about 

By the way, Jason: can you remind me what's the difference between
'primer' and 'tutorial'? I remember one was meant to be doable in a
couple minutes, and the other in, say, half an hour, but can't recall
which is which.

That being said, it might be a bit tricky to find a natural spot for
cross-themes tutorials like Dan's. Should it be accessible through:

        sage: sage.tutorial_lie?

Best regards,
Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <>

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