Hello, Florent !

Being the first time I organize such an event, I can't answer all your
questions. However, here are some information:

- There is only one day available, which is September 1st, for this
Sage Day (not official, I know, but I can still call it that way!). We
have the whole day. Maybe starting around 9am and ending around 5-6pm
would be good (but not mandatory), which is about the same schedule as
for GASCom and LaCIM 2010.
- As I understand it, there will be very few people attending to the
conferences that already use Sage. So it should really include an
introduction, some tutorials and an install party.
- One day is not much... I hope we'll have time to talk about more
advanced stuff like design, etc. It seems to me a really good idea to
talk about species code as the major part of the audience will have a
combinatorial profile.
- I have already the rights to put web pages on the LaCIM server:
therefore, I can be in charge of the website for this Sage Day.
- I'm also available for either an introductionary talk or
combinatorial one, depending on what is going to be presented.
- Lastly, from memory, among the developpers, there will be Sébastien,
Vincent, Franco (not sure about him), Christian (Stump), you and I.
There will also be Jean-Philippe Labbé, Ariane Garon and Thierry
Monteil. Probably others that I forget...

I'll meet next week with Sébastien and we'll start thinking more
deeply about the logistic of the event.

Looking forward to seeing you again in Montreal !


On 6 août, 19:18, Florent Hivert <florent.hiv...@univ-rouen.fr> wrote:
>       Hi there,
> I'm here in Fan Francisco at FPSAC and I just discussed with Srecko Brlek. He
> told me that, as we discussed during Sage days 20, there will be something
> about Sage/Sage-Combinat during LACIM + GASCOM in Montreal (end of August
> beginning of September). As far as I understood S bastien and Alexandre are
> now organizing the things. So I'm writing here to offering my help and maybe
> coordinating things a little.
> So first questions:
>  Who will be there ? What is planned, how long will it last ?
>  Formal introductions, install party, tutorials ?
> I can easily help on:
>  - Formal 1/2h or 1h introduction to the sage-combinat project.
>  - Basic tutorial / helping users.
>  - design discussion (I plan to discuss with Carine Pivoteau about expanding
>  the species code)...
> I probably won't be very connected to the network in the forth-coming days
> (meaning I probably won't be connected at all :-), but I'll be in Montreal
> starting from the 20th of August.
> See you there,
> Florent

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