
I am in the process of writing some more code and thematic
tutorial for crystals and ran into the following issue:

(1) For type B and D there exist tableaux with spin columns
    of half width, but they are currently not yet implemented in sage.
    In principle, one can construct them using the TensorProductOfCrystals,
    but it might be nice to be able to do something like

         sage: T = CrystalOfTableaux(['B',3], shape = [3/2,1/2,1/2])

   Currently this would have to be done as

        sage: S = CrystalOfSpins(['B',3])
        sage: B = CrystalOfTableaux(['B',3], shape = [1])
        sage: T = TensorProductOfCrystals(S,B, generators = 
[[S.module_generators[0], B.module_generators[0]]])

   What would be the best way to display columns of 1/2 width and mark them as 

(2) There is a TODO in /combinat/crystals/spin.py regarding the proper
    latexing of spin columns. This now becomes an issue!

        sage: view(T, pdflatex=True, tightpage=True)



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