On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 05:08:16AM -0800, Anne Schilling wrote:
> >For the record: add_demo_how_to_contribute--foldme--sl.patch I had
> >already folded on my machine; so the problem is closed. Also, in the
> >mean time, Nicolas B. removed free_commutative_monoid-nb.patch
> Are you sure this is fixed? I still get the following reject with sage-4.6.1:
> ...
> sage/libs/semigroupe/tutorial.py: No such file or directory

Ah shoot. This is a distinct issue: the sage-demo patch had a trivial
dependency on the semigroupe-interface patch which is guarded out in
4.6.1 (I am still running 4.6). I removed that dependency and
pushed. Please confirm that it works!

Thanks for the report,

Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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