On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 09:17:35 -0700
Anne Schilling <a...@math.ucdavis.edu> wrote:

> > This is also accessible through the patch at #4539:
> >
> > http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/4539
> >
> > Here is how you can do the example above with that patch:
> >
> > sage: A.<x,y>  = FreeAlgebra(QQ, 2)
> > sage: H = A.g_algebra({y*x: x*y + y^2})
> > sage: H.inject_variables()
> > sage: x*y
> > x*y
> > sage: y*x
> > x*y + y^2
> The example you sent indeed works fine:
> sage: A.<x,y> = FreeAlgebra(QQ, 2)
> sage: sage: H = A.g_algebra({y*x: x*y + y**2})
> However, what are the restrictions on the relations? The following
> example does not work:
> sage: A.<x,y> = FreeAlgebra(QQ, 2)
> sage: H = A.g_algebra({y*x*x: x*y*x})

Indeed, this is not a G-algebra as defined here:


Letterplace should be able to handle quotients of free algebras:


Simon King is working on a patch to make this available in Sage. I
can't find his last message to sage-algebra in the google groups
archive, so I included it below.


On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 06:33:34 -0700 (PDT)
Simon King <simon.k...@uni-jena.de> wrote:

> Hi all!
> On 22 Mrz., 13:18, Simon King <simon.k...@uni-jena.de> wrote:
> > Features:
> > - Arithmetic in free algebras that is a lot faster than the current
> > implementation (but: restricted to the homogeneous case).
> > - One- and twosided ideals of non-commutative rings.
> > - Twosided ideals of free algebras, with degree-wise Gröbner basis
> > computation.
> > - Normal forms/ideal containment for two-sided ideals of free
> > algebras.
> >
> > I do not plan to implement quotients of free algebras, yet.
> > However, I think it would be straight forward, on top of the above
> > features.  
> It *is* fairly straight forward. I did implement a notion of one- and
> twosided ideals in non-commutative rings, and then it is easy to
> change sage.rings.quotient_ring.QuotientRing to not require that the
> base ring is commutative but to require that the ideal is two-sided.
> The following will work with my to-be-submitted patch:
> sage: F.<x,y,z> = FreeAlgebra(QQ, implementation='letterplace')
> sage: I = F*[x*y+y*z,x^2+x*y-y*x-y^2]*F
> sage: F.quo(I)
> Quotient of Free Associative Unital Algebra on 3 generators ('x', 'y',
> 'z') over Rational Field by the ideal (x*y + y*z, x*x + x*y - y*x -
> y*y)
> sage: Q = F.quo(I)
> sage: Q.0
> xbar
> sage: Q.1
> ybar
> sage: Q.2
> zbar
> sage: Q.0*Q.1
> -ybar*zbar
> sage: Q.0^2+Q.0*Q.1
> ybar*xbar + ybar*ybar
> It is restricted to homogeneous ideals, but I guess that's better than
> nothing.
> Cheers,
> Simon

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