On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 07:46:31PM +0100, Jean MICHEL wrote:
> -A  naive (in the sense of straightforward)  port of the needed parts of (a
> rather  old version of) Chevie to plain Python. I do not know if much of it
> is easily usable for a Sage port.

It should be trivial to import. It might need a bit of refactoring to
interact nicely with other features of Sage, and to follow the Sage
guidelines for documentation, tests, ...

> By  the way, I have a question: what is  a Sage port? I ask this because it
> is my plan to eventually work in Sage (when GAP3 becomes too obsolete). But
> I  must confess that  I have not  yet started on  this plan since I want to
> finish  some large projects on Chevie and I think it is not yet time for me
> to discard GAP3. I  understand that  there are several levels of porting:
> -  The first is that Chevie can be used in Sage through the interface
> to  GAP3, thanks  to Saliola. 
> -Next,  one could  map each  Chevie type  of object  to an appropriate Sage
> class  or category; since the design in  Sage could be quite different this
> could  be non trivial. Since  I have not yet  learned properly Sage this is
> the hardest for me, and is where I am stuck.
> -One could then write the high-level code of Chevie in Sage, calling GAP3 or
> GAP4 for the low-level stuff.
> -Or  one  could  port  all  the  code  of  Chevie in Sage. This requires in
> particular  efficient cyclotomic numbers (mostly done, if I understand) and
> efficient  permutations (anything  done there?).  This second question begs
> the  question  wether  one  would  also  port much of the permutation group
> library of GAP3/4 to Sage.

That's a tough question, especially since it's a lot about community:
who is likely to contribute and with which interest in mind? At the
moment, I foresee more interest from people from, let's say,
``combinatorial representation theory'' rather than ``group theory''
(whatever that means).

At the moment, I guess I would lean toward the following:

 - Progressively migrate the "database part" of Chevie to Sage or
   plain Python (with any combination of the GAP3 interface and
   Meinholf's work as intermediate steps); Jean: a quick review on
   what would need to be completed/updated on that side in PyCox
   w.r.t. the latest version of Chevie would be useful.

 - Use Sage for permutation arithmetic (possibly improving it if needed)

 - Polish the integration of Coxeter 3 (for an alternative super fast
   implementation of Coxeter group element arithmetic).

 - Delegate all standard group theory calculations to GAP4.

 - Implement in Sage the higher level algorithms, especially those of
   «algebraic combinatorics» flavor (by higher level, I mean those
   that require a combination of the tools provided by the above).

> Even if I do not do it myself, I would be happy to help anyone
> trying to do any of the above.

Thanks! Your involvement on this list has already proven super useful.

Btw: would you have some calculation suggestions for benchmarking the
universal cyclotomic field?

Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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