In gmane.comp.mathematics.sage.combinat.devel, you wrote:
> I tried to do some computations with the existing Iwahori-Hecke
> algebra module inside sage earlier this year. I needed to work over
> the rational function field C(x), for an indeterminate x. In the end I
> gave up and went back to using some gap3 code that I have, which
> builds on chevie, because it was unbelievably slow. As polynomials
> (and rational functions?) are supposed to be fast in sage I put the
> slowness down to the implementation of permutations inside sage, but I
> didn't do any profiling so perhaps this is unfair.

I bet the problem was rather with rational functions (or even
polynomials), as one has to
watch out for them not becoming "plain" symbolic expressions.
The latter then would be manipilated on by Maxima (which is hooked up
in Sage for this kind of stuff), and this can get very slow indeed.

Unless you really exchanging megabytes between Sage and GAP, groups
work well enough in Sage.

> In any case, I agree that it would be nice to have a faster and more
> accessible implementation of permutations inside sage.

it would be great if GAP people were more inclusive in their model of
development. After Volker Braun created a working prototype of libGAP, 
their reaction was "huh... well, we can do better, but it will have to
wait a while". And in GAP's case this easily can mean years and years.

> Andrew


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