Dear All,

I have just uploaded a patch which implements partition tuples; see 
sage_trac/ticket/13072 <>.

Comments welcome. In particular, there is (what I think is) a minor bug in 
that the patch fails one of the category tests. I could avoid failing this 
test by simply removing some of the TestSuite commands but I thought it 
safer to leave them in just in case there is an issue somewhere. Apart from 
this, everything seems to work well. 

Another related but minor issue is that I noticed that 
latex(Partition([3,2,2])) now returns

> \raisebox{-.6ex}{$\begin{array}[b]{ccc}
> \cline{1-1}\cline{2-2}\cline{3-3}
> \lr{\phantom{x}}&\lr{\phantom{x}}&\lr{\phantom{x}}\\
> \cline{1-1}\cline{2-2}\cline{3-3}
> \lr{\phantom{x}}&\lr{\phantom{x}}\\
> \cline{1-1}\cline{2-2}
> \lr{\phantom{x}}&\lr{\phantom{x}}\\
> \cline{1-1}\cline{2-2}
> \end{array}$}
> }

I haven't made PartitionTuples() do this as when I am doing calculations I 
want latex() to produce readable latex output. I agree that there should 
also be a way to return latex code for the Young/Ferrers diagram but I 
think that this should be a separate method rather than the default latex 

In the example above, I would actually like latex(Partition([3,2,3])) to 
return '3,3^2'. Along these lines, in my own code I have started using 
compact_repr() to produce slightly more screen readable output...sorry, 
getting side tracked:) 


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