"Nicolas M. Thiery" <nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr> writes:

> On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 11:41:47AM +0200, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
>>     sage: Sym.h()                           # should this be complete?
>>     Sym on the homogeneous basis
> Hugh agrees with me (and Alain!) that "homogeneous" should be changed
> to "complete". Other opinions?

Stanley (EC II, first paragraph of Section 7.5, pg 294) says
    "... complete homogeneous symmetric functions (or just complete
    symmetric functions) ..."

I think that "in the complete basis" is somewhat strange to read.

How about

    sage: Sym.p()
    Sym; basis: powersum
    sage: Sym.m()
    Sym; basis: monomial
    sage: Sym.e()
    Sym; basis: elementary
    sage: Sym.h()                           # should this complete?
    Sym; basis: complete
    sage: Sym.s()                           # Mind the capital here
    Sym; basis: Schur
    sage: Sym.f()
    Sym; basis: forgotten

> He also suggests that it should be "Sym in the ... basis". What do
> other native speakers think? It should be a shorthand for "Sym, with
> elements expressed by expanding them in/on the ... basis".

I am not native, but I also think it should be "in"

> Also, a short name without renaming will be appreciated from my
> side.

Can you be more explicit, e.g. with a dream sage session?

    Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Multivariate Polynomial
    Ring in q, t over Rational Field

is OK.


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