On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 07:15:53 -0500, Bill Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By the way, I think this should work in a similar way if you create a
> polynomial ring in multiple variables using MPolynomialRing.
> E.g:
> A=MPolynomialRing(QQ,3,'x')
> should inject x1,x2 and x3 into the namespace. This is important from a
> consistency point of view, but also because it will be useful to people
> who want to define polynomials with many indeterminates (I just met
> someone who does this regularly yesterday).

It does now.   And

   (1) you can give an optional argument to avoid it doing that
          e.g., PolynomialRing(QQ,'x', 3, inject_variables=False)

   (2) If you have any polynomial ring R at all that came from anywhere,  
       R.inject_variables([optional scope])  injects all the variables into  
the scope.

   (3) I could make it easy to toggle this behavior by having a function  
       sets a flag in gens.pyx.   In particular, library code should never
       depend on this if I do that.  (Currently library code never uses
            R.<x,y,z> = .... since that requires the preparser.)

> The same applies, I think, to power series rings, unless someone can
> think of reasons I haven't thought of, for these to operate
> differently.

Yes, poly's are just an example.  I think this approach should apply to
a wide range of types.  It really really makes things more usable.

I'll setup a sage-devel on sage.math sometime day so people can try it out.


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