On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 14:00:11 -0800, Martin Albrecht  
> I've implemented a very naive cache for finite extension field elements  
> in the
> Givaro wrapper. Basically, all elements are created when the field is  
> created
> and references are returned by the arithmetic methods: Thus, no objects  
> are
> created, no malloc, nothing. The speed-up is noticeable:

I think this is great for certain things.  Thanks!

> Drawbacks:
>  * creation of finite extension fields takes 0.3s instead of 0.14s  
> (without)

Not bad.

>  * up to 2^16 * (5 * sizeof(int)) bytes are required for the storage
>    ( ~ 1.25 MB) depending on the size of the field

That's not too bad...

>  * Speed-up would not be as dramatic as seen here if all the little  
> tricks for
>    object creation would have been used in the Givaro wrapper.

Those tricks are also very impressive.

>  * Python loops slow us down significantly.

How so?  I.e., is that because of your new caching?  Or is that
just a general remark.   This is another motivation to work hard
to make Pyrex easier and easier to use.

> Possible Improvements:
>  * use a C array instead of a tuple (bit smaller & faster)

Makes sense. Note that you can use PySequence_Fast_ITEMS
and PySequence_Fast to get direct access to the underlying
C array of objects in a tuple.

> My question: Are we willing to spent 1.25 MB of RAM per finite  
> (extension)
> field for a < 3x speed-gain?

Could it be optional, or is it too difficult to make both options

How much memory does a Givaro Python class take?  Robert Bradshaw
and I just did an analysis of the memory used for an element of
Z/nZ (for n small), and a single element takes 24 bytes in
SAGE now:

4 an int (the underlying value)
4 pointer to the parent
4 pointer to the modulus
4 pointer to the function call table
8 PyObject_HEAD  (pointer to type object and reference count)

With your cache of the full finite field, it takes only 4 bytes
(on a 64-bit machine) to store any element.  This could be very
useful in some applications.

  -- William

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