On Mon, 27 Nov 2006 15:55:02 -0800, David Joyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> I would like to summarize, just to see if I understand what is being  
> said.
> For dynamic local plotting, mayavi+vtk is suggested.
> This would mean someone (presumably, William) has to do some
> hard work to get this extra code to build. (The two tarballs together
> is about 1M.)

vtk alone is 5MB, but I successfully built it on my laptop with
little trouble yesterday.   It takes a while to build, and by
default the build is confusingly interactive, though I think
this could be circumvented.  Also MayaVI is 0.5MB.  So size
isn't a huge problem.  Dependencies and build time are.

> Alex suggests (tell me if I'm wrong) that this solution may
> also apply to the static notebook graphics if one could save it to a
> temporary *.png file and then display that in the notebook browser  
> window.

Yes, and vtk does support saving to png files.

> For dynamic notebook graphics, Jacl\subset Tcl/Java is suggested.
> This may be years away since Java is not GPL'd yet, the various
> flavors of Java may make it currently difficult to write truely
> cross-platform code, etc.
> First, is this summary correct?

No.  Java is already cross platform, and there is only one
widespread java interpreter (the one from Sun).   Also, I think
Java will be GPL'd in a matter of months, not years.  Whether or
not Java is GPL'd also isn't really relevant to the problem.
The main question is whether there exists today a java applet
that we could use for 3d image viewing.   There are such applets
(e.g., Alex used one for a project he did at UCSD with
Mathematica) but I don't know if there are any that we can use
for SAGE.   I'm not enthusiastic about the Jacl/Tcl idea.

> Second, here is a crazy idea: in addition to %gap cells, %latex cells,
> and so on, we have a %plot cell which accepts specially formated
> input - basically you just need to input the function and other options,
> but not usual SAGE plot+show commands. Hit shift-enter and the plot
> appears. Also, once the plot appears, buttons/menus appear which
> allows one to interactively control color, camera angle, options for
> creating a gif/mpeg animation, etc. If this is possible, it seems you
> can do this in javascript. It's not "live graphics" but it saves the
> hassles of jacl/java and might do what a lot of people really need.
> Maybe this would provide a soln to dynamic notebook graphic problem?

I don't know.

  -- William

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