Hi there,

I have given some thought to finite extension field isomorphisms and finite 
extension field embeddings.

As I realized that my number theory skills are quite weak I need some input.

Let K1.<a> = GF(q) and K2.<b> =GF(q) with possible distinct minimal 
polynomials. I understand now how to construct an isomorphism from K1 to K2 
(lets call it phi) and vice versa (phi^(-1)) and I have put some code at


There are however some issues left:

* I think having a == phi^(-1)(phi(a)) is a desired property. Is there any 
smarter way of constructing phi^(-1) from phi than checking all homomorphisms 
from K2 to K1 if they fullfill the equality?

* How to pick a canonical isomorphism? My idea is to pick the roots that 
define phi and phi^(-1) (r1, r2) treat them as polynomials over 
GF(q).base_ring() and choose the canonical isomorphism where the product 
r1*r2 is minimal. Does this make sense?

* From there it should be easy to define finite field embeddings by coercing 
the small field to the GF(p^d) with the conway polynomial, coercing the large 
field to  the GF(p^n)  with the conway polynomial, and embed using conway 
polynomials. Does this make sense?

name: Martin Albrecht
_pgp: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
_www: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~malb

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