If you do hg_sage.pull() right now, it will put all the code
in needed to use flint mentioned below, but it will comment
out the line in SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/ to
actually build fmpz_poly (line 345).

So you can alternatively do hg_sage.pull(), then uncomment
line 345.


On 9/15/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/15/07, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I would be great if you can make us an updated spkg. I can do some
> > testing/valgrinding with it this weekend.
> >
> Done:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sage -f -m flint-0.2.p1.spkg
> ...
> Let me know if this doesn't build on any platform.
> And to actually *try* it from SAGE, apply the hg patch here:
> by typing
> sage: hg_sage: 
> hg_sage.apply('')
> sage: hg_sage.merge()
> sage:
> sage: quit
> $ sage -br
> sage: from sage.libs.flint.fmpz_poly import Fmpz_poly
> sage: f = ZZ['x'](range(1000))
> sage: time for _ in xrange(10^3): g = f*f
> CPU times: user 0.89 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.89 s
> Wall time: 0.89
> sage: f = Fmpz_poly(range(1000))
> sage: time for _ in xrange(10^3): g = f*f
> CPU times: user 0.16 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.16 s
> Wall time: 0.16
> sage: 0.89/0.16
> 5.56250000000000
> sage: magma.eval('f := PolynomialRing(IntegerRing())![0..999];')
> ''
> sage: magma.eval('time for i in [1..10^3] do g := f*f; end for;')
> 'Time: 2.340'
> sage: magma.eval('time for i in [1..10^3] do g := f*f; end for;')
> 'Time: 2.340'
> sage: 2.34/0.16
> 14.6250000000000

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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