Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> On Sep 21, 2007, at 12:58 PM, Jaap Spies wrote:

>> sage: sum(i for i in irange(1,10))
>> 55
> I still think
> sage: sum([1..10])
> 55
> or
> sage: sum(1..10)
> 55
> is easier to type and understand. I can just see trying to explain to  
> half the students in a class (who got 45) "see the little 'i' in there."

In one way you are right. I is easier to type. And if you are familiar
with the notation a..b, maybe you are understanding what you are doing.

But most of SAGE is still Python, so I stick to the more Pythonic alternative!

As a better name for irange I suggest now inrange, maybe that is more

sage: sum(i for i in inrange(1, 10))


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