I was a little surprised by the number

  lisp:        340210 (6.96%)

For example, does the Lisp entry in

  mercurial-0.9.5 python=27386,sh=8300,tcl=3484,lisp=1411,ansic=1364

make sense? As far as I know mercurial does not use any Lisp, or does it?

Bill Page.

On 10/24/07, William Stein wrote:
> See
>   http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mabshoff/2.8.9.rc1-sloccount.html
> for a readable version of these tables.
> On 10/24/07, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Sorry to reply to myself so quickly, but as Carl Witty pointed out I
> > need to run the code with --multiproject. In addition we now count
> > pxd, pxi and pyx as python. With those settings we do get slighly
> > smaller number, but still very impressive results:
> >
> > SLOC    Directory       SLOC-by-Language (Sorted)
> > 687172  python-2.5.1.p7
> > ansic=354375,python=315376,asm=6567,sh=3895,lisp=3683,
> >                         perl=2520,objc=756
> > 424057  scipy-20070817
> > cpp=120609,ansic=112030,python=110060,fortran=80892,
> >                         objc=424,sh=42
> > 366515  lapack-20070723 fortran=366387,pascal=116,sh=12
> > 289667  maxima-5.13.0
> > lisp=246582,fortran=14666,perl=14325,tcl=10222,sh=3386,
> >                         ansic=471,python=8,awk=7
> > 243569  matplotlib-0.90.0.p4 python=143836,cpp=86548,ansic=13166,sh=19
> > 217702  singular-3-0-3-2-20071020
> > cpp=178602,ansic=22558,perl=5570,lisp=4063,
> >
> > sh=3454,yacc=1702,lex=1398,csh=189,python=163,sed=3
> > 214448  sage-2.8.9.rc1  python=204905,cpp=7261,ansic=2175,sh=107
> > 180146  gsl-1.9         ansic=177097,sh=3038,python=11
> > 148822  gmp-4.2.1.p10
> > ansic=71142,asm=51587,cpp=13109,sh=9189,perl=3247,
> >                         yacc=226,lisp=203,lex=95,fortran=24
> > 138581  clisp-2.41.p8
> > lisp=74381,ansic=40568,sh=11561,fortran=6692,cpp=2660,
> >                         objc=2481,perl=164,sed=55,python=19
> > 136954  twisted-2.5.0.p8 python=134784,ansic=2132,sh=38
> > 127343  numpy-20070816
> > ansic=74659,python=52027,fortran=248,cpp=197,sh=115,
> >                         f90=97
> > 122683  gap-4.4.10      ansic=116320,sh=3008,lisp=1804,perl=1545,awk=6
> > 120578  pari-2.3.2.p3
> > ansic=114629,lisp=5173,sh=603,perl=153,python=20
> > 99638   gnutls-1.6.3    ansic=95992,sh=1956,cpp=1046,perl=628,sed=16
> > 89269   freetype-2.1.10 ansic=75080,sh=8160,python=6029
> > 85877   sqlite-3.3.17.p1
> > ansic=62811,tcl=19241,sh=2839,yacc=806,awk=180
> > 78638   symmetrica-0.3.3 ansic=78621,sh=17
> > 78227   ntl-5.4.1.p6    ansic=78132,sh=95
> > 71706   sympy-0.5.3     python=71703,sh=3
> > 69131   cvxopt-0.8.2.p3
> > ansic=64322,python=4019,fortran=777,sh=11,awk=2
> > 68472   linbox-20070915 cpp=67991,sh=475,sed=4,perl=2
> > 56976   mpfr-2.3.0      ansic=51542,sh=5434
> > 48014   moin-1.5.7
> > python=35148,java=10704,perl=1424,php=642,sh=96
> > 43165   doc-2.8.9.rc1
> > perl=25684,python=14518,lisp=2427,sh=473,ansic=61,
> >                         sed=2
> > 42891   libpng-1.2.18   ansic=34404,sh=8482,cpp=5
> > 42128   libgcrypt-1.2.4 ansic=29468,sh=8048,asm=4612
> > 41945   mercurial-0.9.5
> > python=27386,sh=8300,tcl=3484,lisp=1411,ansic=1364
> > 40831   gd-2.0.33.p5    ansic=32741,sh=7625,perl=420,tcl=45
> > 36865   zodb3-3.7.0     python=29676,ansic=7183,sh=6
> > 35272   ecm-6.1.3       ansic=17313,asm=13213,sh=4085,python=661
> > 33854   f2c-20070816    ansic=33833,sh=21
> > 32399   mwrank-20070913 cpp=30167,sh=2232
> > 31381   flint-0.2.p4    ansic=29483,cpp=1540,python=246,sh=112
> > 30135   readline-5.2    ansic=22060,perl=4105,sh=3970
> > 24965   cython- python=21953,ansic=3012
> > 23341   quaddouble-2.2.p7 cpp=8526,sh=8387,fortran=6428
> > 21954   networkx-0.35.1 python=21950,sh=4
> > 21542   scons-0.97      python=21536,sh=6
> > 18624   givaro-3.2.6.p1 cpp=10211,sh=8409,sed=4
> > 18272   ipython-0.8.1.p1 python=17982,lisp=262,sh=28
> > 16862   zlib-1.2.3.p2
> > ansic=8912,asm=3281,ada=1681,pascal=1089,cpp=1001,
> >                         cs=879,sh=19
> > 16070   blas-20070724   fortran=16057,sh=13
> > 13989   palp-1.1        ansic=13978,sh=11
> > 13519   tachyon-0.98beta.p2 ansic=13445,sh=41,perl=33
> > 12660   gfan-0.2.2.p1   cpp=12637,sh=23
> > 11948   libgpg_error-1.5 sh=8126,ansic=3254,awk=428,lisp=140
> > 10342   pycrypto-2.0.1.p1 ansic=7302,python=3036,sh=4
> > 9769    cddlib-094b     ansic=9036,sh=733
> > 8974    iml-1.0.1.p7    ansic=6155,sh=2819
> > 8923    libfplll-2.1-20071024 cpp=5437,sh=3486
> > 8151    lcalc-20070107  cpp=4580,ansic=3548,sh=23
> > 6771    mpfi-1.3.4-rc3.p8 ansic=3960,sh=2811
> > 6037    opencdk-0.5.9   ansic=5456,perl=465,sh=116
> > 5912    ipython1-20070130 python=5818,ansic=68,sh=26
> > 5491    pysqlite-2.3.3  ansic=3377,python=2106,sh=8
> > 4242    python_gnutls-1.1.1 python=4213,ansic=23,sh=6
> > 3796    sympow-1.018.1.p3 ansic=3367,sh=429
> > 3766    weave-0.4.9     python=3760,sh=6
> > 3584    sage_scripts-2.8.9.rc1 python=1869,sh=1714,lisp=1
> > 3527    gdmodule-0.56.p4 ansic=3316,python=198,sh=13
> > 3015    extcode-2.8.9.rc1 objc=2765,java=176,lisp=62,sh=12
> > 2224    flintqs-20070817 cpp=1574,ansic=623,sh=27
> > 1975    genus2reduction-0.3 ansic=1962,sh=13
> > 1856    examples-2.8.9.rc1
> > python=1792,sh=30,lisp=18,fortran=13,ansic=3
> > 1329    pexpect-2.0.p1  python=1322,sh=7
> > 900     termcap-1.3.1   ansic=857,sh=43
> > 140     fortran-20070912 python=130,sh=10
> > 25      elliptic_curves-0.1 sh=25
> > 17      java3d-20070901 sh=17
> > 2       conway_polynomials-0.2 sh=2
> > 2       graphs-20070722 sh=2
> >
> >
> > Totals grouped by language (dominant language first):
> > ansic:      1907386 (39.01%)
> > python:     1258260 (25.73%)
> > cpp:         553701 (11.32%)
> > fortran:     492184 (10.07%)
> > lisp:        340210 (6.96%)
> > sh:          138356 (2.83%)
> > asm:          79260 (1.62%)
> > perl:         60285 (1.23%)
> > tcl:          32992 (0.67%)
> > java:         10880 (0.22%)
> > objc:          6426 (0.13%)
> > yacc:          2734 (0.06%)
> > ada:           1681 (0.03%)
> > lex:           1493 (0.03%)
> > pascal:        1205 (0.02%)
> > cs:             879 (0.02%)
> > php:            642 (0.01%)
> > awk:            623 (0.01%)
> > csh:            189 (0.00%)
> > f90:             97 (0.00%)
> > sed:             84 (0.00%)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)                = 4,889,567
> > Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) = 1,262.90
> > (15,154.75)
> >  (Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05))
> > Schedule Estimate, Years (Months)                         = 3.94
> > (47.25)
> >  (Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.5 * (person-months**0.38))
> > Total Estimated Cost to Develop                           = $
> > 170,600,005
> >  (average salary = $56,286/year, overhead = 2.40).
> > SLOCCount, Copyright (C) 2001-2004 David A. Wheeler
> > SLOCCount is Open Source Software/Free Software, licensed under the
> > GNU GPL.
> > SLOCCount comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, and you are welcome to
> > redistribute it under certain conditions as specified by the GNU GPL
> > license;
> > see the documentation for details.
> > Please credit this data as "generated using David A. Wheeler's
> > 'SLOCCount'."
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Michael
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washington
> http://wstein.org
> >

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