On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Eric Drechsel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi, I'm an undergrad at Portland State, where we have been learning
>  Sage as part of our Computer Assisted Mathematics Group. We want to

I saw the blog for your group a few times when I was doing a google blog
search for Sage.  It looks really cool.  Seattle isn't so far from
Portland, so I
hope some of you will consider coming to the next Sage days when we have
one up here (none are currently planned).

>  compute with octonions in Sage, and discussed at our meeting last
>  night possibly implementing such an algebra.
>  As I understand it, multiplication of octonions can be implemented on
>  top of the quaternions in a simple way using the Cayley-Dickson
>  construction 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octonion#Cayley-Dickson_construction
>  .
>  The difficulty then would seem to be to do it correctly so that it
>  works with the rest of sage. I'm willing to do it once badly just for
>  fun and then later maybe help with doing it correctly, but I'd like to
>  at least get off to a respectable start. Any help would be greatly
>  appreciated.

It's very helpful to take something already in Sage, e.g., the ring
of integers, or quaternions, or real double-precision numbers, and
copy that implementation.   Note that most of the basic rings
are now implemented using Cython for speed purposes.

Of course, working in the framework of the upcoming coercion model
could also be very nice.

In any case, you're plan to just play around and do something that
works is a good one.

 -- William

>  Oh also in searching for existing implementations I saw that boost has
>  this:
>     http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boost_math/octonions.html
>  but since sage already implements quaternions it seems unnecessary to
>  look at boost except perhaps for inspiration.
>  Regards,
>  Eric Drechsel
>  >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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