On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Carl Witty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Mar 4, 10:59 am, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > This morning I tried to copy a matrix output, edit it, and create a new
>  > matrix.  It was frustrating because there seemed to be no way to easily
>  > cut and paste output into input.  This afternoon a person I was showing
>  > Sage to also had the same concern.
>  I like the idea of a _sage_init_ method, but implementing it could be
>  a lot of work depending on the exact specification.
>  Jason presumably wants output that's easy to read (since he wants to
>  edit it and paste it back in).  William (from IRC last night) wants
>  output that can be evaluated with sage_eval to get the original value
>  back.
>  These goals are difficult to reconcile; the big problem is that
>  sage_eval only takes a single expression.  This means that _sage_init_
>  on a polynomial must return things like:
>  "GF(17)['x,y']('3*x^2*y^3')"
>  or
>  "GF(17)(3)*GF(17)['x,y'].gen(0)^2*GF(17)['x,y'].gen(1)^3"
>  or
>  "(lambda R: (lambda x,y: 3*x^2*y^3)(*R.gens()))(GF(17)['x,y'])"
>  none of which are very nice.
>  Options I see include:
>  1) Give up on having the output work in the initial environment (as
>  used by sage_eval); instead, assume that generators (polynomial
>  variables, etc.) are available in the environment.
>  2) Modify sage_eval so that it can process a sequence of statements
>  followed by an expression; then _sage_init_ could return
>  """
>  R1 = GF(17)
>  R2 = R1['x,y']
>  x, y = R2.gens()
>  3*x^2*y^3
>  """
>  3) Live with ugly output like the above examples, with lots of
>  repeated work, or ugly nested lambdas, or ugly nested strings.
>  Another question is whether floating-point numbers should read back to
>  the exact same value, or whether it's OK to lose the bottom few bits
>  (my vote is for "exact same value", of course).
>  My vote is for option 2), modify sage_eval and have _sage_init_
>  potentially produce a sequence of statements followed by an
>  expression; and I'd be interested in helping to implement that option.

I really like option 2 as well, but only with a lot more discussion and
thought.   The "single expression" requirement
is particularly hard to do on nontrivial things.  Even with other interfaces,
e.g., _magma_init_, we're going to have to change this soon I think.
(BTW, I've been funded to greatly enhance the Sage/Magma interface,
and have been thinking some about this problem as a result.)

I'm not sure that 2 as suggested is the best idea.  It might be better
to have *two* methods _sage_init_setup_ and _sage_init_ where setup
returns a block of code that sets of the environment
where the sage_init works.    Or maybe _sage_init_ should return a 2-tuple.
This is just brainstorming.


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