This slowly and inexorably goes on. Computing `sqrt(T2)` leaks 32 bytes 
each and every time (asymptotically).

Found by a student who, through no fault of himself, brought down our 
server (unable to ssh in until the OOM triggered -- but since the leak is 
slow it takes a while to trash 16G of swap).

$ cat 
from sage.all import sqrt
T2 = sqrt(2)
import psutil
ps = psutil.Process()
base = ps.memory_info().rss
for a in range(1, 10):
    for b in range(num := 100_000):
        C = sqrt(T2)
    mem = ps.memory_info().rss - base
    print(f"{mem/1e6 :.2f} MB ({mem/a/num :.2f} bytes/iter)")
$ sage 
2.70 MB (27.03 bytes/iter)
5.95 MB (29.74 bytes/iter)
9.19 MB (30.64 bytes/iter)
12.44 MB (31.09 bytes/iter)
15.41 MB (30.82 bytes/iter)
18.65 MB (31.09 bytes/iter)
21.90 MB (31.28 bytes/iter)
25.14 MB (31.43 bytes/iter)
28.39 MB (31.54 bytes/iter)

Replace the 10 in the outer loop by something larger at your own peril 
(each outer iteration will take 3.2M so 10_000 should kill a laptop in an 
hour or two).

This is with system sagemath 10.0 but it also happens with 9.6, 9.7, 9.8 
and 10.0 in


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