On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 7:11 PM, mabshoff
>  Hello folks,
>  this is 2.11.alpha2. It is a little later than I had hoped and
>  planned mostly due to the fact that Easter and Spring break
>  put somewhat of a damper on development. So far we merged 111
>  patches into this release.
>  There were fixes all over the map. This build should now also
>  build fine on OSX 10.5.2 and higher. If you had some major
>  feature merged in this release please add some info about it
>  at the "Sage 2.11 Release Tour" wiki page located at
>    http://wiki.sagemath.org/sage-2.11
>  This is likely the last release before 2.11.final unless we
>  hit some major show stopper. Please build, doctest and report
>  any issue you hit in this thread. But I am sure by now you
>  know the drill :=)

There are minor failures on every platform.  Test logs here:

The athlon 32-bit linux box has the most files failing:

        sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/interfaces/psage.py
        sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/interfaces/sage0.py
        sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/dsage/tests/testdoc.py
        sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/calculus/calculus.py

We should raise the timeout, since calculus is a timeout issue, and
it should be possible to test Sage even on a mere 2.1Ghz machine.

I've opened a ticket:


FERMAT -- os x 10.4 g5 -- has interesting failures here in the
new bitset code:
          sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/misc/misc_c.pyx

    sage: test_bitset('00101', '01110', 4)
    a 00101
    a.size 5
    a.limbs 1
    b 01110
    a.check(n)   True
    a.set(n)     00101
    a.unset(n)   00100
    a.set_to(n)  00101
    a.flip(n)    00100
    a.is_zero()  False
    a.eq(b)      False
    a.cmp(b)     1
    a.copy()     00101
    r.zero()     00000
    not a        11010
    a and b      00100
    a or b       01111
    a xor b      01011
    a.rshift(n)  10000
    a.lshift(n)  00000
    a.first()           2
    a.next(n)           4
    a.first_diff(b)     1
    a.next_diff(b, n)   4
    a.hamming_weight()  2
    a.hamming_weight_sparse()  2
    a 00101
    a.size 5
    a.limbs 1
    b 01110
    a.check(n)   True
    a.set(n)     00101
    a.unset(n)   00100
    a.set_to(n)  00101
    a.flip(n)    00100
    a.is_zero()  False
    a.eq(b)      True
    a.cmp(b)     1
    a.copy()     00000
    r.zero()     00000
    not a        11010
    a and b      00100
    a or b       01111
    a xor b      01011
    a.rshift(n)  10000
    a.lshift(n)  00000
    a.first()           2
    a.next(n)           4
    a.first_diff(b)     1
    a.next_diff(b, n)   4
    a.hamming_weight()  2
    a.hamming_weight_sparse()  2

This is now



This synchronization problem occurred on modular.math:

sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/calculus/functional.py
File "functional.py", line 301:
    sage: limit((tan(sin(x)) - sin(tan(x)))/x^7, taylor=True, x=0)
1 items had failures:
   1 of   7 in __main__.example_4
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
For whitespace errors

This is not easily repeatable.    I've opened a ticket related to this:

 -- William

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