On 30 Mar., 19:15, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a few ideas. Hopefully someone who is more of an expert on
> commutative algebra computations will weigh in.
> The usual procedure is to
> (1) make an optional SAGE package (spkg file - see the programming
> manual, maybe use the
> macaulay interface as a model)
> (2) announce it to sage-devel and file a ticket for it on trac, asking
> for comments.
This seems like a good way to go about it. Thank you for the advice.

> SAGE already has gfan. I haven't used it but my understanding is that it is
> also a package for commutive algebra computations for monomial ideals.
> Maybe you could compare them? Are there Grobner bases computations which both
> frobby and gfan can do? Does it do any toric variety computations?
Frobby performs computations on monomial ideals that you have already
obtained somehow - it does not do things like compute initial ideals.
Thus Frobby and Gfan complement each other, since Gfan does not do
computations on monomial ideals (except that it can draw them in three
dimensions). Gfan does output monomial ideals, which Frobby can then
process further.

It's funny - I had not explicitly thought about the fact that these
programs compliment each other well, despite my good friend Anders N.
Jensen (who is the author of Gfan) having been my office mate for a
year. It must be because most non-random ideals that I've been dealing
with have been produced by the program 4ti2.


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