Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> Thanks for your input. We are considering a more advanced model
> (David Roe has lots of ideas on this front), but this falls outside  
> of the central focus coercion scheme. (This is one reason to use  
> _repr_ rather than the Python __repr__ so that the base object's  
> __repr__ can do more sophisticated things (although now it just calls  
> _repr_).

I would really like something like this. For example, take Young
tableaux: when working in the Sage interpreter, I might want a tableau
to print out like this:


but in the notebook interface, or for including into a LaTeX document, I
might want the tableau to print out a TikZ picture environment:

    \draw ...

Also, Francophones will want those same things printed upside down. :)
So more flexibility, and multiple printed representations, would be very


---  Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-----  KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences

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