Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> On Apr 2, 2008, at 12:05 PM, Jason Grout wrote:
>> Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>>> Thanks.
>>> I put a comment up on trac, but it boils down to
>>> sage: f = (x == 1)
>>> sage: g = (1 == x)
>>> sage: bool(f+g)
>>> True
>>> sage: ff = f._fast_float_('x') + g._fast_float_('x')
>>> sage: ff(0)
>>> 0.0
>>> but I think piecewise functions would be a good way to implement the
>>> desired functionality.
>> What sort of interface do you see with piecewise functions and the
>> _fast_float_ interface (i.e., what sort of opcodes?)
> Actually, given more thought, I think the opcodes you have chosen  
> make sense, but there should be an "IF" opcode that operates on  
> [true_val false_val test_val] as well which would allow for a full  
> range of piecewise functions. (One could look at making conditional  
> jumps so as to not calculate both sides of the expression, though  
> this would be a fundamental change to the code. Hmm...)

A thought occurred to me when I looked at the fast_eval code: what's the 
possibility of doing these sorts of computations on a GPU?  Would it be 
worth it?  If I recall correctly, the limitation of those things is that 
they are floating point, but, of course, that's the assumption in 

GPU computations seem to fit the bill here also because these fast_float 
operations generally are called on a huge range of data and could be 
done in parallel.


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