On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 6:58 AM, parisse
>  > I'm interested in his "spreadsheet from a browser" project, since we plan
>  > to do something similar with Sage at some point, probably.  Does he
>  > intend to embed giac like functionality as formulas in the cells?  Does
>  > "from a browser" mean an "AJAX application"?
>  >
>  giac has already cell evaluation functionnality, something you can
>  test from inside xcas (Edit->Add spreadsheet). It must reevaluate the
>  whole table. I'm on vacation this week, I don't have the URL where you
>  can test it, if my recollection is correct it is indeed an ajax
>  application.
>  >I think some
>  > people in CA research will come around eventually, though if they
>  > don't it won't stop us.
>  >
>  I agree.
>  > You could make this vastly easier for us if you
>  >    (1) installed Sage on a computer from source
>  >    (2) installed giac into that Sage install by
>  >          typing
>  >             ./sage -sh   # to set some environ variables and paths
>  >          then in your giac source directory
>  >             ./configure --prefix="$SAGE_LOCAL"
>  >             make
>  >             make install
>  >         and *fix* all the problems that come up.
>  >         Then tell us what steps are needed to build giac into
>  >          your Sage install.   With that info, we could easily make
>  >          a giac spkg.
>  >
>  I have done the experience on my local sage install (2.8.15), I had
>  indeed to fix the file Xcas1.cc where a #ifdef HAVE_LIBFLTK #endif was
>  missing. I have updated the source tarball on my ftp site.
>  I can not garantee that it will work everywhere since giac configure
>  does check for libraries outside the sage local tree, hence your
>  config.h might differ from mine, but that should be easy to fix (I
>  mean perhaps add a couple of #fidef).

Which libraries does it check for that a standard system won't have?
I guess I'll find out.

On OS X my build fails with:
In file included from gen.h:39,
                 from sym2poly.h:25,
                 from sym2poly.cc:32:
vecteur.h:25:28: error: gsl/gsl_vector.h: No such file or directory
vecteur.h:26:28: error: gsl/gsl_matrix.h: No such file or directory
vecteur.h:27:33: error: gsl/gsl_permutation.h: No such file or directory
In file included from sym2poly.cc:36:
In file included from sym2poly.cc:36:
modpoly.h:27:30: error: NTL/ZZXFactoring.h: No such file or directory
modpoly.h:28:20: error: NTL/ZZ.h: No such file or directory
modpoly.h:29:22: error: NTL/GF2X.h: No such file or directory
modpoly.h:30:32: error: NTL/pair_GF2X_long.h: No such file or directory
modpoly.h:31:31: error: NTL/GF2XFactoring.h: No such file or directory

I guess this is Giac not finding GSL, NT, etc.    Your autoconf
seems to have options to enable/disable GSL, NTL, etc., but I can't
tell wout to specify exactly *where* those libraries are installed
on the system (for Sage, they are in $SAGE_LOCAL).

On one Linux machine that I tried the buld *does* work, perhaps
because so much is installed system-wide on that machine.

The spkg I made is here:


this is really a tar bz2 file, so you can extract it with

   tar jxvf giac-0.7.4.spkg

It took 31 minutes to build giac/xcas, and the build appears to work:

sage: !giac
Help file aide_cas not found
// Unable to find keyword file doc/en/keywords
Added 0 synonyms
Welcome to giac readline interface
(c) 2001,2007 B. Parisse & others
Homepage http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/giac.html
Released under the GPL license 2.0 or above
See http://www.gnu.org for license details
Press CTRL and D simultaneously to finish session
Type ?commandname for help
0>> 2+3

// Time 0

>  You might have an error doing make install if latex2html is not
>  installed. If you don't want to install latex2html, an easy fix is to

You're right, we definitely can't assume that latex2html is installed.
(Note: latex2html has a non-GPL-compatible license; we also
use it for the sage docs, since Python did, but I regret this dependency.)

>  comment the recursion in Makefile.am from the doc subdirectory, the
>  first two lines should look like
>  doc/Makefile.am
>  then run
>   automake
>  in the giac directory and then
>   ./configure --prefix="$SAGE_LOCAL" --disable-gui
>  Another way to fix this is to run make install from the src
>  subdirectory only.
>  Or maybe add a fake latex2html command somewhere in your path. I don't
>  know what the sage build process can handle best. Any suggestion?

Best is probably only running make install from the src subdirectory.
That's what I've done in the above spkg.

>  > After reading your answers, here is what I hope will happen:
>  >
>  >   (1) you will spend some time building Sage from source and
>  > figure out how to install giac "into" the Sage build directory.  This
>  > is by far easier for you than for us, probably, since you know the
>  > giac build system and code base more than anybody.
>  >
>  I hope it should  work for you now.
>  >   (4) I hope you will continue watching sage-devel and post whenever
>  > you have any thoughts or experiences about things we're discussing.
>  > Given your goals and background developing giac, it is inevitable
>  > that you'll have a lot to offer in regard to experience, etc.   Even if
>  > there turns out to be no real code sharing between the giac and
>  > Sage projects, there are certainly a lot of common problems and
>  > solutions ("patterns") which can be shared.     At the Enthought/Sage Days
>  > in Austin Texas in February, there were a surprisingly large number
>  > of discussions about common problems the Enthought/Scipy project
>  > faces and the Sage project faces, where no code would or could be
>  > shared, but where we benefited a lot from discussing our solutions
>  > together.
>  >
>  >   (5) I hope you'll come to a Sage Days workshop sometime.  You
>  > can see a list of upcoming workshops here:
>  >
>  >    http://wiki.sagemath.org/
>  >
>  > Notice that one is in Nancy, France in October.   Coming to a Sage Days
>  > is by far the best way to find out who "the Sage developers" really are,
>  > which is just a bunch of people all over who just want to create awesome
>  > free open source mathematical software.
>  >
>  Excellent, I'll probably be able to come to Nancy at least one day
>  next October.

Very good.

Do you have any mirror sites of the complete giac/xcas webpage?

 -- William

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