Jason Grout wrote:
> Ondrej Certik wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 6:26 PM, Carl Witty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>  On Apr 13, 11:07 pm, "Ondrej Certik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>  > Hi,
>>>  >
>>>  > yesterday on IRC I realized I don't understand these terms. :)
>>>  >
>>>  > x + x  -> 2*x    .... is this evaluation?
>>>  >
>>>  > x +y, vs.  y+x     ... is this canonicalization?
>>>  >
>>>  > Is this how everyone understands these terms? If so, we need to fix
>>>  > SymPy all over. :)
>>>  I would call "x+x -> 2*x" simplification, and "x+y -> y+x"
>>>  canonicalization.  "evaluation" would mean the process:
>>>  x + y evaluated at x=2, y=3 is 5.
>> Right. After discussing this with Garry on IRC,
>> we would call "x+x -> 2*x" canonical simplification.
>> Now the question is, how to call the method, that does just that. I
>> don't think it should be just called simplify(), because simplify does
>> more -- for example it chooses just one way of (x+1)**3 or (1 + 3*x +
>> 3*x**2 + x**3), but canonical simplify will just remove things like
>> x*x, or x+x, but will not perform any expensive operation.
>> We came up with: cs() or canonical_simplify(), which is either too
>> short or too long imho.
> I'm not sure about "canonical_simplify"...I guess I'm not sure about 
> where the "canonical" part comes from.  But it sounds like you're saying 
> that the function is a cheap simplifying function, as opposed to more 
> expensive simplifying operations:
> simplify_cheap?  simplify_trivial?  simplify_simple?

Sorry for replying to myself, but I vote that we keep functions that are 
variants of each other to having the same prefix so that tab-completion 
is more useful.  So for the above, I vote, for whatever my vote counts, 
that the function starts with "simplify".

In fact, would it be hard to just make this an option to simplify?




These ideas keep the namespace slightly less cluttered or at least 


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