On Apr 15, 2:01 pm, gri6507 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have not tried to compile SAGE v3.0 yet, nor am I familiar with Arch
> or its method of distributing packages. However, I did create the RPM
> distributable version of SAGE. Upon reviewing the PKGBUILD file
> available on the link you provided, I thought we might be able to
> share our knowledge of building SAGE in an environment where it's
> being built on one machine and targeted for binary distribution on
> another.
> The source RPM can be found 
> athttp://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/6391689/com/sage-2.10.2-1...
> (yes, I know it's a slightly out of date version, but I'm waiting for
> the final 3.0 release to roll the new RPM). The SPEC file, which seems
> to be equivalent to the PKGBUILD file in functionality, is below. Of
> particular interest might be the %install section which is effectively
> a shell shell script executed when packaging up everything into the
> deliverable RPM. Another section of interest is %post  which is
> effectively a shell script that executes on the target system after
> all files are extracted from the RPM, but before the user can actually
> use their new SAGE installation.


it  certainly sounds like a good idea to cooperate on this, especially
if distributions shared common packaging technologies [PCLinuxOS and
Fedorea for example]. I would also suggest that we discuss packaging
Sage over at debian-sage, which is misnamed since it supposed to cover
packaging for Linux distributions, but also in the future *BSD,
Solaris, OSX and Windows. One thing I would highly recommens is to

a) split up the rpm into individual components - Tim Abbott did this
for Debian/Ubuntu
b) merge the build support for rpms into the Sage.spkg - we have a
general infrastructure  in place to accommodate individual
c) provide us with some system [shell account, VMWare image] to do
automated testing as we go along. Otherwise you will likely play catch
up all the time.



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