> After I posted about *my* intention to make clisp disappear from Sage
> in the long term at alt.sci.symbolic William and I got in a long off
> list discussion with Fateman about Maxima, Axiom, Sage and lisp in
> general. Among the point Fateman made about me pointing out that
> building lisp from source sucked were:
>  He never had to build lisp from source, so what is the problem?

Richard was deeply involved in lisp and knows a fair bit about the
subject, more than he lets on, but that's up to him to defend. I
have great respect for his opinions.

I helped William Schelter in the development of GCL back when it
was known as AKCL. He used my office often during his visits and
we worked closely on portions of its development. I have written
parts of the garbage collector and some other small pieces so I'm
intimately familiar with the guts of it.

> That is so short sighted it isn't even funny, i.e. water comes out of
> the spout, electricity is supplied by the socket in the wall. And I
> can only say the the Open Source lisp  community is far behind on its
> tools ...

eh? really? not for me. but that way lies language-wars so lets stop.

> In the end it all boils down to platform support and I see ecls as the
> silver bullet here for Sage+lisp.

I have no idea why you think ECLS is a silver bullet. Three years ago
moved Axiom onto the handheld Zaurus using GCL. And many years ago I
moved Axiom onto DOS 3.0 using GCL. Maxima runs (fast) using GCL. Why
do you want to move off that platform? It contains everything you
it builds from source, it is actively maintained, and is very fast.
sure you have good reasons for choosing ECLS but I don't understand.

Frankly, I'd think that it would be straightforward to write a python
compiler in lisp (if only the EU would give me the $20M Euro it gave
the other project). Once that was done you could compile and optimize
the python automatically. My son implemented a commercially available
PHP compiler in lisp in under 3 years and python is about the same
complexity. In fact, if I were still teaching the compiler course, I'd
assign it as a class project. Until python has a decent compiler I
have trouble considering it anything more than MS-basic with classes.
(And that, of course, is certainly NOT gonna make me popular).


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