On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 4:22 PM, mabshoff

>  > > In the end it all boils down to platform support and I see ecls as the
>  > > silver bullet here for Sage+lisp.
>  >
>  > I have no idea why you think ECLS is a silver bullet. Three years ago
>  > I
>  > moved Axiom onto the handheld Zaurus using GCL. And many years ago I
>  > moved Axiom onto DOS 3.0 using GCL. Maxima runs (fast) using GCL. Why
>  > do you want to move off that platform? It contains everything you
>  > need,
>  > it builds from source, it is actively maintained, and is very fast.
>  No, it fails to build on Solaris and since Sage on Solaris is of
>  essential importance we will/cannot use it. It used to be quite bad on
>  OSX, but it has gotten much better there. I am certain I can get some
>  sort of lisp running on pretty much any system, but that is not the
>  Sage way. We want a self hosted, compile from source anywhere lisp
>  that Maxima supports and we are now talking about the empty set. Feel
>  free to prove me wrong, I would be very, very happy to be proven wrong
>  on this. Ironically the most portable lisp implementation is the one
>  in Emacs, but I don't think it is common lisp.
>  > I'm
>  > sure you have good reasons for choosing ECLS but I don't understand.
>  I just works with little need to do have a magic lisp machine working
>  since it uses a C compiler directly.
>  > Frankly, I'd think that it would be straightforward to write a python
>  > compiler in lisp (if only the EU would give me the $20M Euro it gave
>  > the other project).
>  PyPy sucks and blows at the same time. Throwing money at a problem
>  never solved it. I am sure you have read the mythical man month. ;)

>  > Once that was done you could compile and optimize
>  > the python automatically. My son implemented a commercially available
>  > PHP compiler in lisp in under 3 years and python is about the same
>  > complexity.
>  Sure, I am not saying it is impossible. Some people (like you and
>  Fateman) prefer lisp and think it is the answer. But if I look around
>  at people at the university level or a couple years out of it there is
>  very, very little lisp. So, while the absolute number of lisp
>  programmers might have grown over the years its part of the
>  programming market has shrunk since the  programming market has gotten
>  so much bigger.

This webpage has a ranking of programming language popularity,
which might be a bit more scientific then the above anecdotal when
"I look around".  This page is for the following purpose:
"The index can be used to check whether your programming
skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about
what programming language should be adopted when starting
to build a new software system."


It goes:
   Java, C, Visual Basic, PHP, C++, Perl, Python
   C#, Ruby, Delphi, Javascript, D, PL/SQL,
   SAS, Pascal, Lisp/Scheme, FoxPro, Cobol, ADA,

so lisp is number 17.   In raw numbers Python is ten times
as popular as Lisp and Scheme.

In the next group (below 20) is:

   ColdFusion, Logo, Lua, ActionScript, FORTRAN, RPG,
   Matlab, Prolog, AWK, ...
   and R is at 45th.

 -- William

> The beautiful thing about Open Source is that as long
>  as one person cares a project does not die. But that doesn't mean that
>  lisp+Sage is a good match ;)

Also projects (even closed ones) can die and be resurrected.
Maybe Scratchpad/Axiom an example of such a project...
That's a good thing.

>  > In fact, if I were still teaching the compiler course, I'd
>  > assign it as a class project. Until python has a decent compiler I
>  > have trouble considering it anything more than MS-basic with classes.
>  > (And that, of course, is certainly NOT gonna make me popular).
>  >
>  > Tim
>  Well, I don't see lisp making a come back any time soon. People have
>  done a python to lisp machine port but it never got very far and there
>  is quite a difference between "something that works for me" to
>  "something that works!" - I experience this daily with Sage and it is
>  hard, hard work to make Sage run and compile beyond the normal Linux &
>  OSX mix.

Disagree with Michael about porting/building issues at your own peril.

 -- William

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