Thank you all for the responses.

I solved the problem by mimicking the python interpreter and writing a
script which appends modules to sys.path. It's included below. (If
anyone thinks this is a bad idea, please comment; thanks!)

> Sage ships it own python
I would humbly recommend that this issue somehow be made more visible
to the user, who may be confused at to why sage isn't respecting the
python environment variables or using the defauly python distribution.
Perhaps some way to tell sage's python to use installed packages if
they're compatible?

Best wishes,

SITE_PACKAGES_DIR = '/usr/local/lib64/python2.5/site-packages'
#replace with your own
import sys
import os
# can also perhaps loop over directories in
for (root,dirs,files) in os.walk(SITE_PACKAGES_DIR):
    sys.path += [root]
    for file in files: #add each .egg compressed directory to the path
        if file[-4:]=='.egg':
            sys.path += [os.path.join(root, file)]
    del dirs

On Jun 9, 12:51 pm, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> I tried to do "sudo easy_install feedparser", which worked. I can
> > >> "import feedparser" from the python shell, but not from sage unless I
> > >> explicitly add it to mypath.
> As sys.pathshows by sudoing you are installing into the system wide
> python. As William has pointed out that is not the way to do it since
> Sage ships it own python that assuming you build it yourself you do
> not need to use sudo since you do have write permissions.
> Cheers,
> Michael
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