On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 7:18 AM, Tim Lahey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since M. Hampton mentioned some of the things he missed in Sage, I
> thought I'd talk about the things that prevent me from using Sage for
> many things.
> 1. Commands to parse expressions. I regularly pull apart expressions
> to work with terms or parts of terms so I really miss an op command
> (and subsop). Easy access to these along with getting terms of various
> types and commands for working with integrals.
> 2. Like M. Hampton, I miss implicit variables. I'm an engineer at
> heart so I don't understand rings or fields because I was never taught
> them. Also, since I often work
> with trig functions, I won't be able to use Polynomial Rings (at least
> if I understand
> what I've read here).
> 3. Somewhat related to #1, is the ability to make new variables/
> function names from old ones. For example, when in the Calculus of
> Variations, I'll create the variation function with a name based on
> the function to be varied (e.g., v(x,y,z,t) to \delta v(x,y,z,t)).
> I also need this to carry out my EulerLagrange calculation. To
> illustrate this, my
> Maple code for this is:
> EulerLagrange := proc(Lagrangian::anything, variables::list)
>        local num_list, qv_name, vel_var, qv_subs, qv_unsubs, Lagrange_subs1,
>        Lagrange_subs2, dL_dqv1, dL_dqv2, dL_dqv, dL_dqvt, dL_dq, dL_dq1,
>        dL_dq2, dL_dq3, q_name, q_subs, q_unsubs:
>        # create a list of indices from 1 to the number of variables
>        # used in the formulation
>        num_list := [seq(i,i=1..nops(variables))]:
>        # Define a list of generalized velocity and position variables
>        qv_name := map2(cat,qv,num_list):
>        q_name := map2(cat,q,num_list):
>        # Equate the time derivatives of the system variable to the
>        # generalized velocities and also define the reverse mapping
>        vel_var := map(diff,variables,t):
>        qv_subs := zip(equate,vel_var,qv_name):
>        qv_unsubs := zip(equate,qv_name,vel_var):
>        # Equate the generalized positions to the system variables
>        # and define the reverse mapping
>        q_subs := zip(equate,variables,q_name):
>        q_unsubs := zip(equate,q_name,variables):
>        # Convert the Lagrangian to the generalized position and velocity
> variables
>        Lagrange_subs1 := subs(qv_subs,Lagrangian):
>        Lagrange_subs2 := subs(q_subs,Lagrange_subs1):
>        # Differentiate the Lagrangian with respect to the
>        # generalized velocities and positions
>        dL_dqv1 := map2(diff,Lagrange_subs2,qv_name):
>        dL_dq1 := map2(diff,Lagrange_subs2,q_name):
>        # Revert back to the system variables
>        dL_dq2 := map2(subs,qv_unsubs,dL_dq1):
>        dL_dqv2 := map2(subs,qv_unsubs,dL_dqv1):
>        dL_dqv := map2(subs,q_unsubs,dL_dqv2):
>        dL_dq := map2(subs,q_unsubs,dL_dq2):
>        dL_dqvt := map(diff,dL_dqv,t):
>        # Return the two components of the Euler-Lagrange Equation
>        return (dL_dqvt, dL_dq):
> end proc:
> where the equate function used in zip is defined as:
> equate := (x,y)->x=y:
> I presume that Sage can't take a derivative with respect to a function
> (Maple can't
> which is why this code is written this way). This code as written is
> two orders
> of magnitude faster than Maple's code in the calculus of variations
> package. Plus,
> it retains the order since it doesn't use sets.
> This is one of the simpler functions in my package. My code to
> manipulate integrands in place is much more complicated since it needs
> to take into account the possibility of nested integrals.
> If someone can help with #1 and #3, I might be able to port my code to
> Sage. I'd really like to do it since Sage has much better LaTeX
> support than Maple.

#1 is going to be fixed in the ginac based symbolics.


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